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Who are we?

Welcome to ELEVO COACHING - your guide to the world of coaching for professionals 30+. Our mission is to help you expand your career horizons and significantly increase your earnings through focused mentoring and personalized development strategies.


At ELEVO COACHING, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with being over 30. Our coaching programs are specifically designed for experienced professionals who are looking to reach new heights in their careers and secure financial independence.

Our approach

We use a comprehensive approach that includes:

  • Individualized coaching sessions: One-on-one sessions with our certified coaches to help you identify your key strengths, define your career goals, and develop strategies to achieve them.
  • Master classes and workshops: Group sessions covering topics ranging from leadership skills to financial planning, all aimed at increasing your career effectiveness and income.
  • Self-study resources: Digital resources, including webinars, eBooks, and articles, that provide ongoing learning and development outside of coaching sessions.

Who can we help?

Our clients are people who:

  • Are seeking career growth and increased income.
  • Are looking for a career reorientation or want to find a new direction in their professional activities.
  • Need support in achieving a higher level of executive leadership or management.

Our coaching courses


At ELEVO COACHING, we have developed specialized coaching courses aimed at professionals aged 30+ to help them reach their full potential and significantly increase their earnings. Here's how our courses can contribute to your financial success:

1. Expanding professional skills

Our clients are taught the latest business skills and strategies that are essential in today's dynamic marketplace. From leadership competencies to technical skills, we cover everything you need to advance your career and increase your revenue.

2. Increase self-esteem and confidence

We believe that personal qualities and self-confidence are crucial for career success. Our courses include the development of soft skills that help clients to speak, negotiate and present themselves more effectively, ultimately leading to higher earnings.

3. Teaching strategies to increase revenue

We provide clients with the tools and knowledge they need to identify and capitalize on new opportunities in their careers, including advice on changing industries, upskilling, and entrepreneurship.

4. Support and networking

Participants in our courses become part of an active community of like-minded individuals, providing opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, and support for each other in achieving their professional and financial goals.

5. Personal growth

At ELEVO COACHING, we also focus on personal development, which allows clients to better understand their motivations, set realistic goals, and develop plans to achieve them. This contributes to sustainable growth, which is critical for long-term earnings growth.

Why you should choose us

Have you reached a certain stage in your career and are looking for a way to take your professional and financial level to the next level? ELEVO COACHING specializes in helping professionals 30+ achieve their career and earning goals. Here are some reasons why we are the perfect choice for you:

Experienced and certified coaches

Our team consists of highly qualified coaches who have many years of experience working with clients of all ages and professions. Each of our coaches undergoes a rigorous selection process and regular training to stay at the forefront of modern coaching techniques.

Personalized programs

We understand that there are no two career paths alike, so our coaching programs are tailored to your unique profile, professional experience, and personal ambitions. This ensures that each session is as effective and focused as possible.

Flexibility and accessibility

We offer both in-person and online sessions so that you can integrate coaching into your busy schedule without added stress. Our online coaching platforms provide easy access to sessions regardless of your location.

Proven results

We are proud of the numerous success stories of our clients who have achieved significant career growth and increased earnings after completing our programs. Feedback from our clients proves the high efficiency of our methods and approaches.

Continuous support

At ELEVO COACHING, you will never be left alone with your financial or career issues. Our support is not limited to the time of coaching sessions; we provide ongoing support and resources so that you can maintain your development between sessions.